mardi, juillet 12, 2005

Treason and Treachery in All the Wrong Places, or: There is a Traitor Among Us - Quick Don't Do One Darn Thing!

After months of official denials that Karl Rove had anything to do with ValeriePlameGate, it turns out that Karl Rove outed a spy who was working on National Security matters. I just wanted to write that out loud. Are you shocked?


Hello Americans? Is this on?

How about this (I'm told that sports analogies are a great way to communicate)...

ILIM Presents...
The Parable of the Quarterback and the Running Back

During a critical juncture in a critical game, the quarterback handed the ball to the running back and then the quaterback (who always claims to love the team and who displays proudly the team banner and even has the team sticker on his Escalade) tackled the running back for a loss. The team was forced to punt and eventually lost the game, ending its chances to make the playoffs.

In the analogy above, the White House is the quarterback, and American intelligent efforts are the running back. See the quarterback and the running back are on the same team, and well...

...oh forget it...

Quick question(s): why is Karl still walking around the White House? Are ther other traitors walking around there too? How many traitors does President Bush take council from? We know the President associates with countries that support terrorism, is it such a crime to associate with known traitors?

On an unrelated note, here are the words of the day.

Treason (tree - zon) n. treachery toward one's country or its ruler.

Treachery (trech - uh - ree) n. (pl. -eries) betrayal of a person or cause, an act of disloyalty.

I guess my point is that this might be an appropriate time for every person who waives the flag, has the flag on their car, has the flag in their yard, or has a yellow sticker on their bumper express some outrage or something...whatever.

Here in Minnesota, at least once a month there is a letter to the editor saying that anyone who questions the war hates America. Meanwhile, we have double-crossers* like Rove walking around like they're God's gift to America. Those same letter writers are out of ink I guess.

Here's how it nets out: if you say you're patriotic and you work for a man who seems to be both patriotic and Christian (you can tell because he talks about both all the time) and you commit treason, it's okay.

But if you question the war, even if you do it out of patriotic love for what America could be, you and your whole traitor family should move to Canada and never come back. WE DON'T NEED YOUR KIND HERE!!!

Okay, I got it. Well...


I don't got it.

Because of Karl Rove (who is a traitor) Plame lost her career as a covert agent. The espionage work she had underway and future efforts were likely compromised. The White House promised a diligent search and outrage and terminations. All three promise remain to be filled. Now we know a key part of the story and...


there is only silence.

Folks, this is a big deal. It's a really big deal. Can something happen? Can we articulate a response of some kind? Can we decide at long last that we're sick of charlatans and that we want more than empty words? Can we demand that our "leaders'" actions match up with all their fancy words? Can we demand accountability? Please? Just one time? Please?

All I ask is for half the zeal we exhibited in impeaching a (noble but weak) man just a few short years ago. Just half of that zeal directed to Rove and Bush and all those phoney traitors. Just half. We can pretend that we care more about national security than we do about infidelity. C'mon, it'll be fun. Just half...


* = double-cross (dub - el - kraws) v. to deceive or cheat a person with whom one pretends to be collaborating. double-crosser n. See, e.g., The Parable of the Quarterback and the Running Back