Why "The Brothers Karamazov" Should be Banned in Schools
So I'm reading "The Brothers Karamazov" these days, and in the middle of Book V, the chapter titled "The Brothers Get Acquainted" - you know, the one where Aloysha and Ivan meet at the restaurant and discuss Dmitry and religion - well in the middle of that, I happen across these lines:
There's still an awful lot of centripedal force on our planet, Aloysha. Life wants to be lived, and I live it, even though it goes against logic. Very well, so I don't believe in the order of things, but the sticky (icky)* leaf buds that open in the spring are dear to me, as is the blue sky, as are certain people whom, would you believe it, sometimes one loves and knows not why, and as are certain human achievements in which one may perhaps have ceased to have any faith, but which for old time's sake one treasures in one's heart.
And you can't tell me that Dostoyevsky wasn't part of some early "legalize it" movement.
Still a lot of centripedal force?
Life wants to be lived, and I live it?
Sticky (icky) leaf buds?
Man, that's not even subtle.
* Though it is not my intention to embarrass famed translator David McDuff, he really spaced it here. Yes, it is beyond clear that Dostoyevsky alludes to the famed 1828 Pushkin poem "Yeshcho duyut kholodnye vetry..." but how baked was McDuff to miss the true science that sweet, sweet Fyodor was dropping down? "[I]cky" is implied in the original text, and I hope it will be included in future Penguin editions.
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