First Investigate, Then Impeach, or: If I'm Not Mistaken, Turnabout is Fair Play
I wholeheartedly support this resolution.
My only requested amendment is that I think they also need to investigate the FISA violations on the grounds that they constitute impeachable offenses (in fact, some Republican columnist described Bush as the first President to admit to an impeachable offense).
I’m proud that Democratic Minnesota Congressman James Oberstar (8th District) is a co-sponsor, here are the others who have signed on:
Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii Democrat, 1st District
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin Democrat, 2nd District
Lois Capps, California Democrat, 23rd District
William Lacy Clay, Missouri Democrat, 1st District
John Conyers, Michigan Democrat, 14th District
Sam Farr, California Democrat, 17th District
Maurice Hinchey, New York Democrat, 22nd District
Michael Honda, California Democrat, 15th District
Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Democrat, 18th District
Barbara Lee, California Democrat, 9th District
John Lewis, Georgia Democrat, 5th District
Carolyn Maloney, New York Democrat, 14th District
Jim McDermott, Washington Democrat, 7th District
Cynthia McKinney, Georgia Democrat, 4th District
Gwen Moore, Wisconsin Democrat, 4th District
Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat, 8th District
John Olver, Massachusetts Democrat, 1st District
Major Owens, New York Democrat, 11th District
Donald Payne, New Jersey Democrat, 10th District
Charles Rangel, New York Democrat, 15th District
Janice Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, 9th District
Fortney Stark, California Democrat, 13th District
John Tierney, Massachusetts Democrat, 6th District
Nydia Velazquez, New York Democrat, 12th District
Maxine Waters, California Democrat, 35th District
Lynn Woolsey, California Democrat, 6th District
Write your Democratic* elected Representative and ask them to co-sponsor this bill. Here’s the text of the note I sent to my Congresswoman, Betty McCollum:
Please co-sponsor House Resolution 635. I think it is important to investigate impeachable offenses when they occur. Sponsoring this resolution will send a strong message that the American people have a right to know whether this war was initiated under false pretenses.
As well, might it be appropriate to add to the scope of the investigation a review of the Bush Administration's disregard for FISA?
Thank you for your consideration of this important resolution.
*Heck, write to your Republican Congressman/Congresswoman too - tell them it is a chance to clear Bush's name - yeah, they'll by that.
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