mardi, décembre 06, 2005

Shouldn't She Have Said " sink quickly..."?; or: Indeed, What WILL History Say?

"Honorable people can certainly agree to disagree. However, here today I accept a second oath. I pledge to walk in the shoes of my colleagues and refrain from name-calling or the questioning of character. It is easy to quickly sink to the lowest form of political debate. Harsh words often lead to headlines, but walking this path is not a victimless crime. This great House pays the price. So, at this moment, I begin my tenure in this Chamber, uncertain of what history will say of my tenure here."

The Honorable Jean Schmidt
Republican Representative 2nd District of Ohio
September 6, 2005

Then, referencing a friend who is a Marine Reserve Colonel:

“He asked me to send Congress a message: Stay the course. He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message: that cowards cut and run, Marines never do.”

The Less Honorable Jean Schmidt
Republican Representative 2nd District of Ohio
November 18, 2005