What I Did Over Winter Vacation, by Duf
Went to a house party that was visited by high-school carolers.
Played Wii Tennis (awesome) and Wii golf (average) with my nephews.
Reorganized our freezer. It took like five minutes.
Fixed the drawer on our LL bathroom basin. You know, the one with the bad handle.
Watched lots of A&E.
Wrote our holiday letter.
Did not ship (yet) our holiday letter.
Three words: Dance, Dance Revolution!
Ate tons and tons of homemade cookies (including the best cookie of all time).
Shoveled snow from the back walk, the front walk, and (just for fun) the driveway.
Went sledding with TinyE.
Spent it all up. All up. All. Up.
Lots of A&E.
BTW, I want one of those Wii things, and I’m not even a “gamer.”
Installed a new shower head in the LL bathroom. You know, the handheld kind.
Drank Veuve-Clicquot* like a upper-class Frenchman with a nasty, nasty bubbly habit.
Pre-diet binging and junking.
Watched the thrilling Boise State vs. Oklahoma game.
Took my iPod in for repairs (hard drive fried).
Took my winter coat in for alterations (sleeves were too long).
Perhaps too much A&E.
Read very little.
Slept very much.
Worked very little.
Vegged very much.
Rang out the old, rang in the new.
Re-learned, through the visage of a five year-old girl, the joy of Christmas and the capacity of little things to mean a lot.
*It’s so dang good.
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